Mitigating Security Concerns: Strategies for Clearance Seekers

Security clearances are essential for specific government jobs or contract positions involving confidential information access. To obtain a security clearance, applicants must complete Standard Form 86, which an adjudicating agency reviews. This review aims to determine whether the applicant can be trusted and is responsible enough to handle sensitive data.

Clearance seekers often encounter challenges, particularly if they have negative elements in their background. These could include a criminal conviction, bankruptcy filing, or past issues related to substance or alcohol abuse. While any one of these factors might not automatically disqualify an applicant, when considered together, they could raise concerns during the clearance evaluation process.

Applicants can proactively address and mitigate concerns to enhance their chances of a favorable security clearance decision. This involves presenting a comprehensive account of their actions to overcome or rectify adverse situations from their past. Demonstrating growth, responsibility, and a commitment to rehabilitation can help alleviate doubts in the eyes of the adjudicating agency.

Seeking the assistance of a security clearance lawyer can be beneficial. These legal professionals are experienced in document preparation and can help applicants navigate the complexities of the security clearance process. They can guide how to address potential red flags that an agency might identify during the evaluation, thereby improving the chances of a successful outcome.

If you need help with your security clearance application, please call Claery & Hammond, LLP at (877) 362-3176 or contact us online.

Understanding the Significance of Security Concerns

Security concerns, within the context of clearance applications, refer to any issues or elements in an applicant's background that could pose a risk to national security or the effective functioning of a government agency or organization. These concerns are carefully examined during the clearance evaluation process.

Concerns may include matters involving:

  • Criminal activities: A history of illegal activity, such as theft or drug offenses, can be a red flag for security clearance. It suggests a potential disregard for the law.
  • Financial problems: Financial difficulties can be a security concern because they may make an applicant vulnerable to bribery or coercion. For example, someone with a significant debt burden might be tempted to accept money in exchange for classified information.
  • Mental health issues: Mental health issues can raise security concerns if they impact an applicant's judgment, stability, or ability to handle stress. For instance, severe untreated anxiety or depression might affect an individual's decision-making.
  • Questionable personal conduct (dishonesty): Dishonesty in personal matters, like falsifying documents or providing false information during the clearance process, is a serious security concern. It undermines trust and integrity.
  • Alcohol use: Excessive or problematic alcohol use can be a security concern as it may impair judgment and reliability.

Failing to address and resolve security concerns can significantly affect clearance applicants. When security concerns are left unresolved, it can lead to the denial or revocation of security clearance. This, in turn, can have far-reaching effects on a person's career prospects. It may limit their ability to secure certain government jobs or contract positions requiring clearance.

Additionally, individuals with existing clearances may risk losing their current positions or being reassigned to roles with lower security requirements. Therefore, understanding and effectively dealing with security concerns is vital for obtaining clearance and maintaining one's career and professional opportunities.

Strategies for Mitigation

Adjudicators tasked with granting security clearance take a comprehensive approach, examining the applicant's background. While certain aspects of an applicant's history may have negative elements, they can demonstrate actions taken to rectify those situations. Adjudicators may consider mitigating factors when making their determination, recognizing that individuals can evolve and make amends for past mistakes.

Importance of Proactive Mitigation

Proactive mitigation is crucial in the clearance process because it allows applicants to address potential concerns that the adjudicating agency might have upfront. By doing so, applicants demonstrate awareness of their situation and a sense of responsibility in owning up to it. Being proactive prevents issues from becoming red flags and establishes the applicant as someone who takes their security responsibilities seriously.

Steps and Actions for Addressing Security Concerns

Clearance seekers can take specific steps to address security concerns effectively. This includes providing a written explanation of mitigating factors about their situation.

For example:

  • If the security concern relates to personal conduct, such as falsification, the applicant can show that the incident was isolated and occurred a while ago, or they promptly took corrective action.
  • In cases where financial matters are a concern, applicants can explain that their situation resulted from circumstances beyond their control, like an unexpected job loss, or they have taken steps to manage their finances better.
  • If the concern is related to alcohol use, applicants can demonstrate behavioral changes, such as attending meetings or counseling to address underlying issues.

To bolster their case, applicants should gather and organize evidence, including statements, letters of support, certificates, or any documentation explaining the situation and the steps taken to overcome it.

Working with a Security Clearance Attorney

Clearance seekers must understand that the security clearance process is multifaceted and may involve addressing various security concerns. Being informed and prepared can improve one's chances of success in obtaining or maintaining a security clearance.

Enlisting the assistance of a lawyer is beneficial in that they can help applicants navigate complex paperwork, gather necessary documentation, and ensure that their case is presented effectively. Additionally, attorneys can advise on strategies for mitigating concerns.

At Claery & Hammond, LLP, we provide legal counsel to individuals going through the security clearance process. Schedule a consultation by calling us at (877) 362-3176.