Bankruptcy & Your Security Clearance
Counsel from Dedicated National Security Clearance Lawyers
When applying for positions that require a national security clearance, Standard Form 86 (SF-86) will ask you questions about your finances. While this is unexpected by many applicants, it is believed that a candidate's finances can indicate sound judgment and trustworthiness. This is why it can be damaging to one's candidacy if they have a bankruptcy in their past.
If you have a bankruptcy or other financial delinquency in your past, then it is advised you speak to legal counsel as you apply for a national security clearance. At Claery & Hammond, LLP we have collectively helped clients overcome countless hurdles in this application process for more than 50 years. We're ready to assess your circumstances and develop a personalized approach towards asserting your security clearance qualifications.
You do not have to proceed without a legal advocate in your corner. Use our online form to request a free case evaluation today.
Preparing for SF-86
SF-86 will ask each applicant about their financial history over the last seven years. To answer accurately, it's critical that you familiarize yourself with your own finances, request credit scores, and take other steps to thoroughly complete the questionnaire.
To complete SF-86, you should:
- Obtain your credit ratings from Experian, Transunion, and Equifax
- Prepare to accurately account for any Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcies
- Familiarize yourself with any other financial delinquencies from your past
This portion of SF-86 is especially complex and sensitive to critical errors. At Claery & Hammond, LLP, we can assist you with collecting the necessary documentation and ensuring that your application is ready to stand up to the rigorous scrutiny this process requires.
Ready to begin?
Contact our team of dedicated national security clearance attorneys
for assistance today.